Friday, 13 June 2014

The Difference Between Gerund and Infinitive

Pengertian Infinitive

Infinitive adalah suatu verbal yang terdiri dari particle to dan bentuk simple dari verb (bare infinitive) dimana dapat berfungsi sebagai nounadjective, atau adverbVerbal merupakan suatu kata yang dibentuk dari kata kerja, namun berfungsi sebagai part of speech lain. Verbal yang lain yaitu gerund dan participle.Seperti verbal lainnya, kata ini lebih umum untuk menamaiaction (aksi) atau state (keadaan).
Infinitive dapat disertai oleh object (noun, pronoun), modifier, atau object dan modifier (noun phrase) sehingga menjadi infinitive phrase.

Contoh Infinitive (to+verb):
To run, To be, To talk, To touch.

Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat Infinitive
Beberapa penggunaan dan contoh kalimat infinitive adalah sebagai berikut.


1Adjectival infinitive digunakan untuk menjelaskan noun dimana posisinya selalu mengikuti noun yang dijelaskannya.
2Adverbial infinitive digunakan untuk menjelaskan verb, dimana dapat berada di awal atau akhir kalimat serta tidak harus berada dekat dengan verb yang dijelaskannya.

Verb yang Diikuti Infinitive


Gerunds adalah kara kerja (verb) yang ditambah ing (verb + ing) dan berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun). Dengan kata lain, gerund adalah kata kerja yang dibendakan/diubah menjadi kata benda dengan menambahkan ing.
Dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, gerunds mempunyai peran sebagai:

  1. Gerunds as subject
  2. Gerunds as object
  3. Gerunds as subjective complement
  4. Gerunds as object of preposition
  5. Gerunds after word “NO”
  6. Gerunds after possessive adjective
  7. Gerunds after certain verbs
  8. Gerunds as appositive.

Gerunds as subject

Berikut ini contoh-contoh gerunds yang berfungsi sebagai subject:

Reading is not my hobby.
Swimming is better than running.
Hiking can be very strenuous.

Gerunds as object

I like reading.
She goes swimming every morning.
Their favorite sport is running.

Gerunds as Subjective Complement

Gerund sebagai pelengkap subjek dalam kalimat biasanya selalu didahului tobe  yang terletak di antara subject dansubjective complement, contoh:

Her favorite sport is swimming.

Gerunds as object of preposition

Gerund sebagai objek dari preposisi terletak setelah preposisi, misalnya; for, before, without, in, at, after, dll.

I will wash the dishes after eating.
You cannot be rich man without working.
Gerunds after “NO”

Dalam kalimat larangan, kita sering memakai kata “No” dan setelahnya biasanya diletakkan verb + ing yaitu gerunds. Contoh:

No Smoking!
No parking in this area!

Gerunds after possessive adjective

Gerunds juga sering kita jumpai setelah possessive adjective. Misalnya:

Thanks for your coming.

Gerunds after certain verbs

Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa kata kerja tertentu yang bila kita ingin memasukan kata kerja sesudah kata kerja tersebut, maka kata kerja setelahnya harusnya berbentuk gerund atau verb + ing.
Berikut ini daftar kata kerja-kata kerja tersebut beserta contoh kalimatnya:

Admit               :  He admitted cheating on the test.
Advise              :  The doctor generally advised drinking low-fat milk.
Allow               :  Ireland doesn't allow smoking in bars.
Anticipate         :  I anticipated arriving late.
Appreciate       :  I appreciated her helping me.
Avoid               :  He avoided talking to her.
Begin                :  I began learning Chinese.
can't bear         :  He can't bear having so much responsibility.
can't help          :  He can't help talking so loudly.
can't see           :  I can't see paying so much money for a car.
can't stand        : He can't stand her smoking in the office.
Cease               : The government ceased providing free healthcare.
Complete         :  He completed renovating the house.
Consider          ; She considered moving to New York.
Continue            : He continued talking.
Defend              : The lawyer defended her making such statements.
Delay                 : He delayed doing his taxes.
Deny                  : He denied committing the crime.
Despise            : She despises waking up early.
Discuss             : We discussed working at the company.
Dislike              : She dislikes working after 5 PM.
Mind                : I don't mind helping you.
Dread               : She dreads getting up at 5 AM.
Encourage        : He encourages eating healthy foods.
Enjoy               : We enjoy hiking.
Finish               : He finished doing his homework.
forget               : I forgot giving you my book.
hate                  : I hate cleaning the bathroom.
Imagine            : He imagines working there one day.
Involve             : The job involves traveling to Japan once a month.
Keep                : She kept interrupting me.
Like                : She likes listening to music.
Love                : I love swimming.
Mention            : He mentioned going to that college.
Miss                 : She misses living near the beach.
neglect              : Sometimes she neglects doing her homework.
permit               : California does not permit smoking in restaurants.
Postpone          : He postponed returning to Paris.
Practice            : She practiced singing the song.
Prefer               : He prefers sitting at the back of the movie theater.
propose            : I proposed having lunch at the beach.
 quit                  : She quit worrying about the problem.
Recall               : Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.
Recollect          : She recollected living in Kenya.
Recommend     : Tony recommended taking the train.
regret               : She regretted saying that.
Remember        : I remember telling her the address yesterday.
Report              : He reported her stealing the money.
require              : The certificate requires completing two courses.
Resent              : Nick resented Debbie's being there.
Resist               : He resisted asking for help.
Risk                 : He risked being caught.
Start                 : He started studying harder.
Stop                 :  She stopped working at 5 o'clock.
Suggest            : They suggested staying at the hotel.
Tolerate            : I tolerated her talking.
Try                   : Sam tried opening the lock with a paperclip.
Understand       : I understand his quitting.
Urge                 :They urge recycling bottles and paper

Daftar kata kerja di atas beserta contohnya saya ambil dari: English Page

Gerunds as appositive

Gerund sebagai aposisi atau penegas dalam kalimat, contoh:

·  His method, shooting and killing, eventually came to an end.
·  She has a bad habit, gambling.
·  Her favorite exercise, swimming in the pool, makes her body strong.
·  That difficult work, sawing hard woo, makes him exhausted

Economic Vision and Mission of the Presidential Candidates

These below are the economic vision and mission of the presidential candidates, Prabowo-Hatta VS Jokowo-JK. 

We start with Prabowo-Hatta first. There are 8 programs of populist economic development that are listed by KPU:
1. Prioritizing the allocation of the budget for the development of agriculture, forestry, fishery, cooperatives and SMEs.
2. Encouraging national banks and other financial institutions to prioritize lending to farmers, ranchers, fishermen, laborers, servants, small and medium industries.
3. Establishing Bank of Farmers and Fishermen.
4. Protecting and Modernizing tradiotional markets
5. Protecting and Fighting for labor's rights.
6. Minimum Budget allocates Rp 1 billion / rural / urban per year directly to the village / urban and implementing the Village Law.
7. Establishing institutions pilgrimage tube
8. Accelerating agrarian reform to guarantee the people's land ownership, improve access, and land tenure.

and these are Jokowi-JK's economic development programs:
1. Creating national security that is capable of mantaining sovereignty, sustain economic independence by securing maritime resources, and reflect the personality of Indonesia as an archipelago.
2. Creating advanced society, sustainable, and democratic state based on law.
3. Creating foreign policy free-active and strengthen identity as a maritime nation.
4. Creating the high quality of Indonesian human life, advanced and prosperous.
5. Creating the power of the nation-competitive.
6. Creating Indonesia maritime become independent, advanced, powerful and based on national interests.
7. Creating the personality in the cultural community.

Adjective Clause

What is Adjective Clause?

Adjectives clauses have a subject and a verb (or predicate). They will start with a relative pronoun, like: that, who, whom, whose, or which, or a relative adverb, like why, where, or when. Adjective clauses function as an adjective and modify nouns and pronouns. They are also called relative clauses. 

Adjective Clauses (or Relative Clauses) are a type of subordinate clause that act as adjectives.

The whole clause does the job of an adjective.

Adjective Clauses In Action
Adjective clauses do not change the basic meaning of the sentence. In some cases, when they provide more information into a sentence, they need to be set off with commas.
Here are several examples of sentences with the adjective clauses underlined:
  • Pizza,which most people love, is not very healthy.
  • The peoplewhose names are on the listwill go to camp.
  • Grandpa remembers the old dayswhen there was no television. 
  • Fruitthat is grown organicallyis expensive.
  • Studentswho are intelligentget good grades.
  • Eco-friendly carsthat run on electricitysave gas.
  • I know someonewhose father served in World War II.
  • Making noise when he eats is the main reasonwhy Sue does not like to eat with her brother.
  • The kidswho were called firstwill have the best chance of getting a seat.
  • Running a marathon,a race of twenty-six miles, takes a lot of training.
  • I enjoy telling people about Janet Evanovichwhose latest book was fantastic.
  • The peoplewaiting all night outside the Apple storeare trying to purchase a new iPhone.
  • "Hewho can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in aweis as good as dead." - Albert Einstein
  • “Thosewho do not complainare never pitied.” - Jane Austen
  • “People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thoughtwhich they avoid.” - Søren Kierkegaard
  • “Never go to a doctorwhose office plants have died.” - Erma Bombeck

Turning Adjective Clauses into Phrases
An adjective clause with a subject pronoun - such as which, that or who - can also be shortened into a phrase.
You can shorten an adjective clause in two ways:
  1. Omit the subject pronoun and verb.
  2. Omit the subject pronoun and change the verb to the form ending in "ing."
Here are some examples of how to create an adjective phrase:
  • Adjective Clause: The books, which are lost, are not really necessary.
  • Adjective Phrase: The books lost are not really necessary.

  • Adjective Clause: The girl who is running is my best friend.
  • Adjective Phrase: The girl running is my best friend.

  • Adjective Clause: His share of the money, which consists of $100,000, was given to him on Monday.
  • Adjective Phrase: His share of the money, consisting of $100,000, was given to him on Monday.

  • Adjective Clause: Something that smells bad may be rotten.
  • Adjective Phrase: Something smelling bad may be rotten.

Remember, the goal of an adjective clause is to add more information to a noun or a pronoun. You can add the information by including a few more words or by changing the adjective clause to a phrase.